At New Delhi’s Vigyan Bhawan, the top mainframes of Bollywood collected to receive the National Awards on Monday. ...
At New Delhi’s Vigyan Bhawan, the top mainframes of Bollywood collected to receive the National Awards on Monday.
Manoj Bajpayee (right) receives the award from Vice-President of India Venkaiah NaiduFor Manoj Bajpayee, who took home the award for Best Actor for his performance at Bhonsle in the 67th episode of the event, the experience, while fun, was more memorable.
“I felt left out,” says Bajpayee, who lost his father on October 2. “At such times, people celebrate with their loved ones. My wife [Shabana] and daughter [Ava Nayla] were supposed to be there. However, I was running from Kerala to get to it, so they could not go with me. I missed my parents a lot. My father was a movie star! He could keep track of everything I did, including all the awards and honors I received. He could be proud of all the success. So when I went to an event, I felt a lot of emotions. ”
After Best Supporting Actor (Satya, 2000) and the Special Award (Pinjar, 2005), this award marks the Third Bajpayee National Award. He admits that in an increasingly hot industry, each action exceeds the other, winning the title is a trivial matter. “The title is given to you by members of the judiciary who are respected in their respective fields. If they respect you and your work that year, you can only accept compliments with pride and humility, and take it off your shoulders and prepare for the future shoot. ”
On his pipeline are three major projects, including one for Kannada director Raam Reddy, and Kanu Behl entertainer, Despatch, a direct release to OTT. “Raam's film will be an exciting experience for the audience to witness. He is only 29 years old, but when he begins to talk about philosophy, his ideas surprise me. Kanu is a challenging director to work with. You have to be mentally ready to work with him. He’s cruel and he may not like all the take. These little boys are raising me, and I will always work with them. I do not want to be complacent; I want to grow up as an actor. ”
Bajpayee also filmed Abhishek Choubey's Netflix film. “I made two films with him - Sonchiriya and Ray. You have a lot of good ideas about getting closer to the action. Working with her is like attending an acting workshop. ”
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