Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan Khan, was released from Arthur Road Prison, Mumbai on Saturday morning. Aryan...
Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan Khan, was released from Arthur Road Prison, Mumbai on Saturday morning. Aryan, wearing a white T-shirt and wearing a black mask, was released from prison around 11.00 AM. He was seen running into a black car accompanied by his father's bodyguard SRK and his assistant Ravi Singh.
Prison authorities confirmed to the media that Aryan Khan's release process was completed by 10.30am this morning following the release of a young Khan.
Aryan will also be reunited with his parents Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan who were seen leaving Mannat, their home in Bandra in their white SUVs and a security team, to fetch Aryan from prison.
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