Famous Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar has died after suffering a heart attack on Friday morning. Puneeth Rajkumar was rushed to hospital wit...
Famous Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar has died after suffering a heart attack on Friday morning. Puneeth Rajkumar was rushed to hospital with a heart attack. Dr Ranganath Nayak of Vikram Hospital in Bengaluru said Puneeth Rajkumar was admitted at 11.30am on Friday. He complained of chest pains and did not respond when she arrived at the hospital. Meanwhile, the Karnataka government has issued a warning to all police departments and regional authorities to tighten security in anticipation of the state of law and order in the province. Bengaluru liquor shops asked to close after Power Star's death. The entire state is mourning his demise. He was a role model for the entire state and the nation.
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